Health Conditions

The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Health conditions, like illnesses, injuries and impairments, affect our ability to function or enjoy life.

Cataplexy: Understanding its Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Imagine experiencing a sudden loss of muscle control while laughing or feeling amused. This bewildering phenomenon is known as cataplexy,

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More form Health Conditions

How Can You Manage Lewy Body Dementia Symptoms Effectively?

Image: Compassionate Dementia Care Months after actor and comedian Robin Williams took his own life

Is Menopause Causing Your Hair to loss? Understanding Causes and Solutions

If you are currently going through menopause, you are probably already familiar with the myriad

Understanding the Effects of Teenage Weight Pressure and its Long-Term Impact

Dealing with pressures to lose weight as a teenager can have lasting effects on your

The Importance of Regular Screening and Aspirin Use in Cancer Prevention

The potential benefits of aspirin extend beyond pain relief. Italian researchers investigating colorectal cancer have

What Are the Symptoms of Lymphedema Beyond Swelling?

Lymphedema is a condition characterized by abnormal and persistent swelling in various parts of the